February 19, 2025

8 Proven Strategies: How to Get More Followers on Depop [2025]

Top 8 Methods: How to get Followers on Depop in 2025

Selling on Depop is unlike selling on any other ecommerce platform. Depop is part sales platform, part social media platform, and it's common for sellers to add their social media profiles to their Depop page to encourage shoppers to follow them on socials. Within Depop, however, there is the social-media-like feature of followers, which works much like followers on social media platforms like Instagram or X. Depop followers get notified every time you add a new item to your shop, and are usually the first to snap up pieces from new drops. As an actively and voluntarily engaged shoppers, Depop followers are primed and ready to make their next purchase from your shop, which is why so many Depop sellers spend valuable time and energy trying to increase their follower count. So how do you get more followers on Depop? Like many things in the world of ecommerce, the answer isn't quite straightforward, and it always requires you to do more than just one thing. In this guide, we'll walk you through eight tried and tested methods for gaining more followers on Depop, discuss how you can leverage followers on your socials to boost your Depop sales, and learn how to expand beyond the limits of Depop to increase your revenue and visibility.

how to get more Depop followers

What are Depop Followers and Why Are They Important?

The concept of followers is associated primarily with social media, and is not something seen on ecommerce platforms very often. For typical ecommerce sellers, the idea of having followers for their shop is often novel and unfamiliar, causing many to forgo them altogether and focus primarily on more traditional sales-boosting measures like paid advertising and individual listing promotion. But gaining followers on Depop is worthwhile, and learning how to get more followers on Depop is a valuable time investment for any Depop seller. Below, we'll understand why Depop followers are important by examining a number of unique benefits they offer, and understanding how those benefits can be translated into revenue.

The Benefits of Having More Followers on Depop

To understand what followers on Depop are, it's important to note that there is effectively no difference between a seller and a buyer on the platform – both have the same type of account, and both are simply considered Depop users. Because of this dynamic, followers on Depop function much like followers on social media in many ways, but with a more direct avenue for monetization. Having followers on Depop gives you

  • An established group of potential buyers who are interested in what you're selling. Followers on social media choose to follow creators who create the type of content they like to consume, and Depop shoppers choose to follow sellers that offer the type of items they like to buy. Whenever you list new items, this group of already "primed" shoppers is more likely to snap them up.
  • A community of likeminded fashion lovers, many of whom have their own followers and online communities that align with their fashion niche. Having their eyes on your listings can skyrocket your visibility.
  • The ability to leverage existing buyers to drive new selling ventures on additional sales channels. Depop allows users to link their social media channels in their bio, and many followers you gain on Depop will follow you on social media too. These followers can quickly turn into buyers on new platforms if you choose to integrate your Depop Shop with new sales channels.
  • Added credibility for your Depop Shop. Depop lies somewhere on the spectrum between a social media platform and an online marketplace, which makes the community aspect of its buying experience even more important than it is on other selling channels. As such, shoppers on Depop are more likely to buy from sellers who've made a positive name for themselves in the Depop community, both through feedback and follower count.

8 Proven Strategies: How to Get More Depop Followers

Now that we've established the immense potential and hidden benefits of having followers on Depop, it's time to understand how you can increase your follower count and reap all those aforementioned benefits. Below, we'll draw on our many years of ecommerce experience on Depop and review eight proven strategies for increasing your Depop follower count, driving engagement, and boosting your sales. From strategic listing methods to key optimizations, these Depop selling practices will help you gain followers on Depop and increase your revenue.

1. Optimize Your Depop Profile

In lieu of a real online storefront page like you'd have on Etsy or eBay, on Depop you have a very Instagram-esque user profile, where you can include a short blurb for your bio and add links to your socials. Below, all the products you have available for sale, as well as those you've already sold, are displayed. Because it's such a minimalist framework for creating what amounts to a storefront, many Depop sellers tend to overlook this aspect of their Depop store, but it's actually very important to your selling success. Get the most out of your Depop profile by taking the time to create an engaging (but not overly lengthy) bio that details your shop's policies (i.e. returns policy, shipping methods, etc.). Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, is adding a link to your socials in your bio. Depop only allows for one link, so add a bio link that stores all of them if you have more than one. This is particularly important if you sell via your social media channels, too, but even if you don't, gaining followers on social media can be a valuable promotional lever.

how to get followers on Depop

2. Follow Other Users

Another key aspect of Depop culture is reciprocating follows. People on Depop tend to expect a follow in return when you follow them, and vice versa. This makes for a pretty straightforward way to get more followers on Depop – simply follow other users, and they'll likely follow you back. In our experience, it's best to follow accounts that are focused primarily on selling, and that align with your Depop store's aesthetic. Aside from helping you get more followers, following other users on Depop is a great way to maintain an active profile in the eyes of Depop's algorithm while simultaneously getting more visibility for your Depop shop.

how to get Depop followers

3. Like Other Listings

In a similar vein, making a point of regularly liking other seller's items is a good, low-stakes way to way to keep your Depop profile active for the algorithm. You don't need to actually buy anything, just make sure to like items regularly, at least several times a week. You'll likely get a follow from the seller, and your listings will be more likely to display in people's feeds, thereby increasing your chances of getting more followers and making more sales.

4. Utilize Hashtags

Hashtags are an incredibly valuable tool on Depop, and if you leverage them correctly, they'll quickly prove to be one of the more effective ways to get more Depop followers. Since Depop is a secondhand marketplace, it attracts a very specific kind of shopper, one who isn't usually looking for a very specific item, but rather an item that fulfills a very specific function in their wardrobe. In practice, this means that shoppers on Depop are more than happy to shop for an item by its aesthetic rather than any specific item attributes, and many buyers do indeed find their Depop purchases in this way.

The best way to tap into this lucrative segment of shoppers is through the use of hashtags, specifically those that focus on aesthetics rather than characteristics. Shoppers aren't searching for #longsleeves, but they are searching for #cleangirl and #fairycore. The important thing here is to only add relevant hashtags; if you're selling a bodycon lurex evening gown, for example, adding a #cottagecore hashtag will be of no use, to you or to any uninterested shoppers that will encounter your irrelevant listing in their search results.

5. Offer Discounts and Promotions

Buyers love a good sale, and Depop offers sellers a great way to leverage price drops in a way that drives sales and increases your follower count. If a buyer has liked or saved one of your items and you lower its price, they'll be notified of the price drop immediately. This encourages them to go into your shop, and if they see that you regularly discount items, they're far more likely to choose to follow you to get a good deal on their next purchase.

While that's a valuable tool in and of itself, buyers love a personalized discount even more than a good old fashioned price drop. Here, too, Depop makes it easy for sellers by enabling them to send personalized discounts to people who've liked an item. Buyers who receive a personalized offer from you are more likely to follow you on Depop and engage with you, whether it's via bundle purchases, offers, feedback, or likes on your future items.

6. Consistently Add New Listings

Part of keeping your profile active and ensuring that you're always on shoppers' minds is showing up on their feeds, day in and day out. This means you need to maintain a consistent and steady flow of new products by aiming to upload one or two new listings every day or two. This helps you gain followers in two ways: by keeping your Depop Shop in people's feeds, and by showing buyers that since you always have something new to offer, it's worth following you to keep up to date with new drops.

7. Take Better Photos of Your Items

When selling online, product images can be make-or-break, and that's especially true on secondhand platforms like Depop. Without manufacturer-supplied product images to rely on, the quality of your product images is only as good as the photos you take. Luckily, good product photography no longer requires a professional setup, and getting great results that encourage Depop shoppers to follow you is relatively easy if you stick to a few simple guidelines.

  1. Pay attention to backgrounds. If your product image's background doesn't complement the item you're selling, then it's actively detracting from it. After all, the purpose of a product image is to showcase, well, the product. Therefore, everything in the product image should serve that purpose. In practice, this can mean one of two things: either staging the photo with the help of complimentary props, which we'll discuss in the next stage, or making use of a background remover tool to remove them.
  2. Use staging and props to showcase products. Instead of completely removing the background from your product image, consider creating staged backgrounds through the use of props. Intentional backgrounds that highlight your product are by far better than no background, since they not only display your item in a more visually pleasing way, but also provide added aesthetic value that constitutes content in and of itself, which in turn helps you get more followers for your Depop shop.
  3. Don't lose sight of your overall aesthetic. Staging a single product is important, but to get even more followers, your staging must adhere to a carefully crafted aesthetic for your Depop store and brand. Take the time to come up with a general theme, whether it's a color palette or the way you model your items, and stick to it in all your main item photos. When someone goes into your Depop profile to decide whether or not your store is worth following, a cohesive and aesthetically pleasing first impression will be your best shot at gaining them as a follower.

Ultimately, you're going for "curated vintage boutique," not "clearance bin at the thrift store." Present your store and products in the best possible way, and the Depop followers are sure to, well, follow.

how to gain followers on Depop

8. Price to Sell and Be Ready to Negotiate

As a secondhand marketplace, there is a culture on Depop that encourages price negotiation and haggling. This is most evident by the platform's built-in offers system, which places a button on each listing with a default 15% discount offer to make it easy for buyers to haggle the seller for the best price. As such, you need to not only price your items realistically and competitively, but also be open to the option of negotiating with buyers to close a deal.  

Bonus Tip: Utilizing Social Media to Gain More Depop Followers

With the rise of influencers, social commerce on sites like Instagram and TikTok, and the increasingly digital nature of our consumption habits, it's no surprise that the role of social media in ecommerce becomes more significant every day. Depop in particular leaned into this relationship from the start, modeling its platform after the main social media platform of its time, Instagram, and enabling users to follow one another well before the concept became a commonplace in the realm of online shopping with the rise of secondhand-specific ecommerce platforms. While we focused primarily on how to get more followers on Depop, social media deserves an honorable mention in this guide, since it has proven time and time again how valuable it can be for driving sales. Below, we'll take a look at four of the most powerful social media platforms for promoting your Depop store and gaining more followers: Instagram, TikTok, X (Twitter), and Pinterest.

- Using Instagram and TikTok to Promote Your Depop Shop

Instagram and TikTok are two of the internet's main destinations for short form video content, and each platform contains incredible potential for promoting your Depop shop.

Instagram allows for both videos (Reels) and still images, making it an incredibly useful platform for gaining exposure and followers. To make the most of Instagram, you'll need to start by creating a separate account for your business. Anything you upload to Depop, you'll need to upload to Instagram too. To leverage it as a sales channel, you can even go a step further and cross-list products to Instagram so you can sell them there and forgo the notoriously high Depop fees. Your Instagram posts should include both general and specific hashtags, such as #aesthetic, #vintage, #y2k, #secondhand, #thrifting, etc. Additionally, always remember to include the #Depop hashtag – you could get featured on Depop's official Instagram account and dramatically increase your followers on Depop overnight!

TikTok, with its immense potential, is a bit more difficult to link from, and is considerably more luck of the draw due to the way its algorithm works. Nevertheless, it's a valuable tool for getting your name out there and encouraging people to follow you, both on TikTok and on Depop. In order to be able to embed a link into your TikTok bio so people can directly click into your Depop shop, you'll need to open a TikTok Business Account. In terms of content, the same rules apply – post your items on TikTok when you upload them to your Depop store, or even crosslist them to TikTok to take advantage of TikTok as an additional selling channel.

- Utilizing X and Pinterest for Depop Promotion

X and Pinterest are quite different from Instagram and TikTok, and even more different from one another. Nevertheless, each one of these social media channels can be a uniquely valuable tool when used correctly, both for getting more Depop followers and for increasing your revenue stream.

Despite its beginnings, X (formerly Twitter) is no longer just a text-based platform. Today, you can upload videos or embed links directly into your X posts, making them another avenue for getting buyers to your Depop shop. As the pioneering platform for hashtags, your hashtag game on X will be make or break, and in our experience, you'll get better results by focusing on specific hashtags. Forget #y2k – your best chance of success lies in hyper-specific aesthetics like #fairycore and #barbiecore.

Finally, we've saved the best for last; Pinterest is by far the lowest-effort and highest reward social media platform for promoting your Depop shop and getting more followers. All you have to do is pin your best listing image, add a caption and relevant hashtags, and let Pinterest's algorithm do the rest. Whenever someone repins your listing, your exposure grows, and you're more likely to get followers on your Depop account. A large portion of Pinterest users come to the platform for fashion inspiration, so if you take and pin high-quality, well-staged product images, your chances of getting traction on Pinterest will be much higher.

get more followers on Depop

Final Thoughts: Consistency and Quality are Key to Gaining More Depop Followers

Depop lies somewhere between ecommerce marketplace and social media platform. In this unique approach to online commerce, followers are an essential part of a successful selling strategy, bringing better visibility and increased sales. Getting more Depop followers requires a holistic approach, one that analyzes your Depop store with the goal of optimizing not only for maximum sales, but also for maximum engagement and visibility.

The strategies we discussed above give you a way to do just that through a multifaceted approach to selling on Depop. Getting more followers on Depop requires you to maintain an active and always-updating store on Depop, but it also requires you to cultivate a following on social media channels; it requires you to optimize your Depop listings, but it also requires an off-platform approach to marketing.

Ultimately, however, your ability to sell on Depop will be limited to the buyers on Depop, regardless of how many followers you manage to get. Luckily, growing your ecommerce business beyond the bounds of Depop is simple and accessible with multichannel integration tools like ExportYourStore. With ExportYourStore, you can integrate your Depop store with 14 additional sales channels (with more always in the works!), including marketplaces, shopping carts, and social media channels, while continuing to manage everything directly through Depop. Multichannel selling empowers you to sell more than you ever could on Depop alone, enabling you to grow your business and increase your revenue with minimal effort.

Last updated on:
February 19, 2025
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